Q & A

It is common for various groups to send specific questions to candidates, as the group decides who they will endorse. Here are my answers to these surveys!

Utah Parents for Teachers

Utah Parents for Teachers is an organization that consists of parents who are supportive of our public schools. They sent out a survey to candidates, and based on my responses, they have endorsed me in this campaign. Here are my answers to their survey!

How do you define SEL strategies and what do you believe it does in the classroom?

SEL is Social and Emotional Learning. This can cover a wide range of topics, and in an ideal situation parents are working on these topics with their children at home. Many of our students need additional SEL support at school, however. Teachers and other school employees are in a great position to help students practice SEL skills and improve them. Students with strong SEL skills are better able to manage themselves during the school day and to be successful academically. Some topics that might fall under the SEL umbrella include topics such as patience, self-reflection and kindness, or lessons about working hard, never giving up or being a better listener. Commitment, dedication, compassion, service, and other important concepts are also a part of SEL lessons. I think these topics are applicable and valuable for our students. When my oldest child began high school, our high school had series of student suicides that were devastating to the community. I was grateful that the school began providing additional SEL support to students and to families, and I think that our schools still have an important role to play in assisting families with SEL learning.

What importance do you attribute to PE and health and how do feel about the cuts made to these subject areas in the past?

I think that PE, Health, and the Fine Arts are crucial for a well-rounded education. Our students need to know many skills to be well-educated, and not all those things are included in traditionally academic subjects. In addition, these types of classes give many students a change of pace during the day, helping them to focus on more rigorous subjects when it is time for them. Younger students, especially, need to have a physical break during the day. There are also a lot of topics covered in PE and Health that students may not learn at home. Health classes can teach children how germs are spread and what is appropriate personal hygiene care. PE classes teach sportsmanship, taking turns, and the rules to many different activities that students may not have been exposed to before. So, these classes all provide valuable, hands-on knowledge for our students that can help them throughout their lives.

What ideas have you formulated that will increase public school funding to keep up with growth, fully compensate teachers for their expertise and commitment to teaching, ensure they have the classroom resources they need to be effective educators, and making teacher retention a priority?

I would really like to see Impact Fees made available to our schools. I believe our public school buildings are a crucial part of our infrastructure. When new homes are built, a need is created for more roads, sewer, water, parks, AND schools. It is strange to me that we have impact fees for roads, sewer, water, and parks, but not for schools. I would like to see this changed. I am committed to increasing teacher compensation and providing them the resources they need to be successful in the classroom. I have advocated for increased funding at the legislative level and will continue to speak about the needs of our schools. Our property tax rate system also needs to be looked at- currently the rate adjusts without any type of allowance for inflation. This is particularly damaging in an economic climate like our current one. I would be in favor of adjustments to the Truth in Taxation system to address this concern

How do you define CRT and do you believe it is currently being taught in Utah public schools?

Critical Race Theory is a graduate level academic theory used for legal analysis. It is not allowed in Utah’s K-12 schools due to USBE rule 277-328, passed last year. There are many things that are considered tenets of CRT, and some of those might be appropriate in our K-12 schools, like teaching children that people can look differently than each other and still have the same thoughts and feelings and cares. But CRT as an academic theory is inappropriate for K-12 students.

What vetting process do you support when a parent objects to a book in their child’s school? What actions do you believe school districts should take or not take?

I am opposed to graphic sexual content in our school materials. School districts should always follow the law in what materials they provide for instructional use. If a parent has a concern about a particular book, schools/districts should have a process whereby a book can be reviewed to see if it is appropriate. This review committee should have both parents and educators on it. Items that are reviewed should be evaluated for compliance to state law. If removed books are disproportionally about one subject or another, it would be wise for schools to replace those books with titles covering the same subject matter without the graphic content. Parents should always have the ability to ask for an alternative assignment if they feel a particular title is inappropriate for their own child.

Considering legislation that has been proposed in the last 10 years, how would you vote on voucher/school choice bills?

I think that school choice is an important issue. Every child is different, and their needs are unique. But at the same time, education provided with public tax dollars should have accountability to taxpayers, and I do not think that taxpayers should be asked to fund every possible choice for every student. We need to balance the need for educational choice with the limited tax dollars we have. School Choice bills should not take resources from our already under funded public schools to give additional access to schools with no public accountability. There are several programs and scholarships that already provide funds for students who have unique academic needs- like the Carson Smith Scholarship and the Special Needs Opportunity Scholarship. I would love to see a review of these programs before any more voucher/school choice bills are introduced. It is my understanding that these programs do not receive enough requests for funding to allocate all their available funding every year. If there are unique student concerns that need additional support, I would be in favor of adjustments to existing support mechanisms, but I am not in favor of additional funds being used in this way.

What ways can we support diversity in our curriculum so that all students see themselves as culturally relevant?

We need to do better in helping our marginalized students see themselves as culturally relevant. It is possible to find materials that can do this for them. Schools should actively seek to represent different viewpoints and cultures in their instructional materials, and to share a wide variety of experiences and ideas to students. I would love to hear ideas from our minority communities about how we can better support their needs.

What have you personally done to support teachers/public education?

I LOVE to support schools. I have been heavily involved in public schools for nearly 20 years. I have been a weekly volunteer in my children’s classrooms while they were in elementary school. I have served on the School Community Councils at three different schools for multiple terms at each. I have volunteered on several PTA boards. I have frequently offered to assist when parental help is needed- including being a booster president for multiple groups, chaperoning field trips, taking work home to complete for teachers, providing meals and other items when needed. I also share information with parents, teachers, and community members by posting regularly on my social media platforms. In 2014, I started attending nearly all the Alpine School Board meetings, and I published detailed notes about those meetings on multiple social media pages and on a personal blog so that community members would be aware of what was happening at board meetings. I have been an advocate for parents, teachers, and students at the district level. Now that I am serving on the ASD Board, I frequently visit the schools I represent to talk to teachers and patrons about the needs at their schools

How will you show your commitment to public education outside of your role as an elected official?

I think that one of the best ways we can show support and commitment to public education is by sharing positive stories and interactions we have in our schools, and by supporting our teachers, staff, students, and parents. There are so many incredible things happening in our public schools every single day. Sometimes we only hear about the bad things that happened in one class while there are hundreds of other classes that had a wonderful day. We need to share these stories more! We need to invite parents to come and be a part of all the amazing things that are happening. While there is always room for improvement, our dedicated and amazing teachers and staff members are making magic happen in classrooms all over the state every day. I am grateful for them and look forward to continuing to support them as much as I can.

Utah League of Women's Voters

The League of Women's Voters of Utah also reached out to candidates to ask their positions on various different questions. These answers can be found at Vote411.org. They did not choose to endorse candidates, but are providing information only.

How can the school district attract and retain quality teachers and support staff such as paraprofessionals, custodians, and bus drivers?

Recruiting and retaining quality teachers and staff should be a top priority for all districts. Exceptional teachers provide the best possible educational outcomes for our students. Districts should listen to the concerns of their teachers and staff, increase salaries and provide support and training that will be helpful for teachers and staff as they try to provide optimal learning opportunities for students. Making sure that our teachers and staff voices are heard as we make policy decisions will help them feel how much they are valued. We should minimize requirements from the federal, state and local levels while also providing relevant support.

Why are you running for the School Board? What experience, expertise, and insights would you bring to the Board?

I have always been passionate about education. As the mother of seven children, I have spent the last 20 years volunteering regularly in my children’s schools and seeing the positive impact that parents can have there. Our schools are most successful when we have amazing, dedicated teachers AND involved, knowledgeable parents. As a board member, I have made it a priority to bridge the information gap between the district and parents. I keep active social media accounts where I provide information and ask questions. I visit my schools often and bring back concerns from teachers and parents. I advocate for increased parent and teacher involvement in decision making. I am detail oriented, a hard worker, and a creative problem solver.

Do you support additional resources to keep school district staff and students safer at school and school events? Why or why not?

Yes, I am supportive of additional measures to keep our students and staff safe. There are many things we can do to make our schools safer. For example, studies have shown that being behind a locked door significantly increases the likelihood that an intruder will pass by a classroom. But many of our classroom doors require a key to lock them. We have been changing out the doorknobs at all our schools so that they have a push button lock- then any student, teacher or volunteer can lock the door quickly. This is a relatively simple and inexpensive change that can make a huge difference. I think it's important that we look at both big and small things to increase safety in our schools.

What would you do to improve civics education?

I would love to see more practical, hands-on learning in civics education. We should teach students how to register to vote, fill out their ballot and research candidates. When one of my children was able to vote for the first time, he was confused about the language used in ballot propositions and needed help researching how he wanted to cast his vote, especially for things like judicial retention. Many students do not understand what the people they are voting for do and how those elected officials influence their lives. Students could also use more information about the caucus process and what delegates are for. It is important to help students understand these aspects of voting and hopefully encourage them to be informed voters and to continue voting for the rest of their lives.